Rolo Fernández
Studies: 2009-2011. Graduated from the Restoration Workshop School of the Office of the Havana City Historian in the specialty of Mural Painting / Specialization and Diploma in Procedures and Techniques with Master Agustín Villafaña Rodríguez.
Scholarships and residencies: 2018. Riverside Community Arts. Association, Riverside. California, USA
Main solo exhibitions: 2020. Anomalies of a story. Hispan-American Center of Culture. Havana / 2018. Forbidden red. Provincial Center of Plastic Arts and Design (Luz y Oficios). Havana / 2015. Secrets in Silence. Amelia Peláez Gallery, Habana Libre Hotel. Havana / 2014. Caught in their own game. Servando Cabrera Moreno Gallery. Havana / 2013. Strange Ladies. P-Squared Gallery, Gallery of Latin American Art, LLC, Winter Park. Florida, USA
Main group exhibitions: Omens. Diocesan Palace of Terni. Italy / Fantasies, dreams and aspirations. XXI Salón de la Ciudad. Provincial Center of Plastic Arts and Design, Havana / Ceramic Biennial. Hispan-American Center of Culture. Havana / International Graphic Humor Salon (Melaito). Santa Clara, Cuba / 2017. International Festival Circuba. Trompoloco Tent, Havana / Intervention in the personal exhibition of the German artist Doris Graff. Center for the Development of Visual Arts. Havana
Prizes: 2018. First prize. XXII Salón de Arte Erótico. Fayad Jamís Gallery. Havana / Collateral prize awarded by the Provincial Center of Plastic Arts in the XXII Erotic Art Hall. Fayad Jamís Gallery. Havana