Nelson Céspedes

The lady of nostalgia / La dama de la nostalgia

Painting - 2020
Acrilyc on canvas
100 x 80 cm
Artwork Statement

"... I do not think of all the misfortune, but of all the beauty that still remains ..."
Anna Frank
The word Geisha means artist and to be an artist is to be considered a changing world of Art.
The geisha profession is going through difficult times and has been threatened more than ever by the spread of the new coronavirus. The artists of this profession were forced to adapt to the new sanitary measures: do not serve drinks to the public, do not touch them or even shake their hands and sit at least two meters away. The mandatory masks became another inconvenience for entertainment professionals by interfering with the makeup and wigs they wear and in which hours of work are used, thus disrupting a centuries-old ritual tradition. These measures marked a before an after in the profession of geisha. By sitting close to a customer, they grant tea, perform dances and play some musical instrument, they can speak with feeling and show passion. But when they are two meters apart, the dialogue is interrupted and all the magic disappears. Faced with the pandemic due to the new coronavirus, these millennial ladies are adapting to the new normal to which the health crisis has given them a terrible blow.

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