Exhibition: January 11 through March 16, 2019
Gallery Hours: Wednesday – Saturday from 11 am to 6 pm
(The gallery remains closed form February 13 to February 22)

Onay Rosquet (Havanna, *1987) takes inventory of our lives. He demonstrates: We can not give up our “attachments”, cannot live on bread alone. As insignificant as every object, every meaning appears, in their totality they show our life.

The exhibition ATTACHMENTS is his second solo exhibition in Zurich. The latest work presented is a continuation of his series of collection of objects shown in 2017. His seemingly random – yet carefully orchestrated – compilation of papers lets the audience immerse themselves in personal memories. By painting collections of paper, he conjures up almost forgotten associations in the viewer. Onay Rosquet wants us to pay attention to the things we usually do not notice.

“I’m fascinated by the social phenomenon of people’s dependency on documents – be it bills, legal documents or love letters,” says Rosquet. He shows how these documents have become companions or ATTACHMENTS of our lives.

Onay Rosquet about his exhibition ATTACHMENTS

Purchase Works of Onay Rosquet online on Artsy

Catalogue of Exhibition UNBOXING

Catalogue of Exhibition ATACHMENTS

Artist CV

  • dates January 10, 2019