Pedro Pablo Oliva – El Inconcluso Milagro | The Unfinished Miracle Curator and Art Critic David Horta - Commentary Commentary on the painting 'El Inconcluso Milagro del Pan y los Peces' (The Unfinished Miracle of the Bread and the Fish) by art critic and curator David Horta on the occasion of the opening of the virtual reality exhibition 'Retrospective' of selected masterpieces by Pedro Pablo OlivaRead more …

Pedro Pablo Oliva – El Gran Apagon | The Great Blackout Curator and Art Critic David Horta - Commentary Commentary on the painting 'El Gran Apagon' by art critic and curator David Horta on the occasion of the opening of the virtual reality exhibition 'Retrospective' of selected masterpieces by Pedro Pablo OlivaRead more …

Pedro Pablo Oliva – Retrospective

Pedro Pablo Oliva - Retrospective Introductory remarks of Silvia Oliva to the Online Event on the occasion of the opening of the virtual Reality Exhibition 'Retrospective'. This virtual reality exhibition displays masterpieces that count amongst the most significant Pedro Pablo Oliva has painted and he himself considers patrimony of Cuba. Online Exhibition Life Stream of Opening of the online virtual reality exhibition 'Retrospectives' covering 5 decades of creative work of the Cuban painter Pedro Pablo Oliva featuring a selection of masterpieces VR Exhibition: For Computers VR Exhibition: For Phones & PadsThis virtual…Read more …
PRISMA 7 – Jury’s Verdict

PRISMA 7 – Jury’s Verdict

Acta del jurado en español CALL FOR ARTISTS Photography can be much more than just documentation. This has always been known by numerous artists who dedicated themselves to a practice that for a long time was approached with prejudice, underestimation, or condescension. But today, photography (specifically photography understood as a proposal with undeniable aesthetic and conceptual values) is considered one of the pillars of visual arts. And it is one of the manifestations that most clearly builds bridges with the still insufficiently explored potential of new technologies. In our call for entries to…Read more …
PRISMA 7 – Acta del Jurada

PRISMA 7 – Acta del Jurada

Jury Verdict in English CONVOCATORIA La fotografía puede ser mucho más que documento. Eso lo supieron desde siempre numerosos artistas que se consagraron a un ejercicio que por mucho tiempo fue asumido desde el prejuicio, la subestimación o la condescendencia. Pero hoy por hoy la fotografía (cierta fotografía, entendida como propuesta con indiscutibles valores estéticos y conceptuales) está considerada como uno de los pilares de las artes visuales. Y es una de las manifestaciones que tienden puentes más evidentes con las potencialidades todavía insuficientemente exploradas de las nuevas tecnologías. En nuestra convocatoria a…Read more …