Yasser G. Rittoles
Water / Agua
The deconstruction of reality is an arduous task, and even more so when there are dissimilar visions on the horizon of expectations. Chasing ghosts in the personal universe has become a regular reference for contemporary art. And here is the experience, leaving you the good and the bad of what you have lived, a fact that engenders diverse imaginations in individual minds. The artists - restless entities in search of their expression - do not remain oblivious to it and we are tempted to represent the concerns derived from the hard process of subsistence in collectivity. Expressions that, from the self-referential, reconstruct the reality of a world that is trying to save itself constantly come and go in history. Yes, I think, yes, I listen, yes, I feel much more in my heart than in that reason in which you hide me and justify yourself. Yes, it's me again, if me and tomorrow we will all be.