• dates September 29, 2018
Vernissage - November 1, 2018, 6 pm Exhibition - November 2 through December 15, 2018 The art historian and curator Rosemary Rodríguez (* Havanna, 1984) shows in the exhibition EVERYDAY UNIVERSEwith works of Hektor Frank (* Havana, 1961) and Abel López (* Havanna, 1985), how scarcity gives rise to artistic impulses. In Cuba, in the early 1990s, when the former Soviet Union ceased to exist and the gross national product of Cuba collapsed by more than 30%. Practically over nicht everything became scarce, including canvas, paper or paint – but…Read more …
Everyday Universe – Curated By Rosemary Rodríguez – Works by Hector Frank and Abel López

Everyday Universe – Curated By Rosemary Rodríguez – Works by Hector Frank and Abel López

  • dates September 29, 2018
The art historian and curator Rosemary Rodríguez (* Havanna, 1984) shows in the exhibition EVERYDAY UNIVERSE with works of Hektor Frank (* Havana, 1961) and Abel López (* Havanna, 1985), how scarcity gives rise to artistic impulses. In Cuba, in the early 1990s, when the former Soviet Union ceased to exist and the gross national product of Cuba collapsed by more than 30%. Practically over nicht everything became scarce, including canvas, paper or paint - but not creativity. The curator shows current works by both artists, in which this creativity…Read more …
MABEL POBLET – Flashback

MABEL POBLET – Flashback

  • opening Thursday, August 23, 2018 - 18:00 to 21:00
  • dates August 24, 2018 - October 6, 2023
  • hours 11:00 - 19:00
  • venue Rämistrasse 31, 8006 zürich
Mabel Poblet (*1986 in Cienfuegos) graduated from both “San Alejandro” Art Academy and the University of the Arts (ISA) with top grades. Her distinctive, penetrating style has made her one of the best-known visual artists in Cuba. She currently lives and works in Havana.  Poblet’s works from her exhibition Flashback are best described as creative constellations; the circular, kaleidoscopic compositions are made up of a series of associations, pieced together like a mosaic. Her works create an intimate dreamscape, a ‘starry map’ of her experiences, thoughts and collective memories. Her orb-like wall sculptures explore landscapes…Read more …
EL HILO ROJO – curated by Sandra De Giorgi

EL HILO ROJO – curated by Sandra De Giorgi

  • dates June 16, 2018
  The works of this exhibition are all united by one common thread, the color red. Despite using different styles, each artist is united by the passionate language of red. The use of red can be traced throughout art history; artists have used red to convey passion, royalty, violence, sensuality, and contrast. Red is intense, elemental and dramatic. It can be lucky, protective or political. Its symbolic value is endless. Thread of Red The title of this exhibition has both literal and symbolic meaning. It references the exhibition's focus on…Read more …
CARLOS QUINTANA – Contemplation –

CARLOS QUINTANA – Contemplation –

  • opening Thursday, March 22, 2018 - 18:00 - 21:00
  • dates March 20, 0632 - June 23, 2023
  • hours 11:00 - 23:00
  • venue Rämistrasse 31, 8006 Zürich
Carlos Quintana: Contemplation as a synthesis of Santería and Buddhism Contemplation as a synthesis of Santería and Buddhism The figures and portraits of Carlos Quintana (Havana, 1966) have in common a self-contained attitude: the distance, emotionless facial expressions and the barely comprehensible gaze, which characterize the figures of Carlos Quintana, testify to a kind of introversion or rather to contemplation. They are focused on something that seems to be outside of the visible or internally. The figures are often depicted against a contrasting colored background and without a concrete environment:…Read more …
Osy Milian – FRAGMENTS –

Osy Milian – FRAGMENTS –

  • dates January 11, 2018
ARTIST’S EXHIBITION CONCEPT - Havana, 2017 - In a Net Art piece in which the spaces of art and life were intermingled, the Italian couple known as the 01 exposed their private life in a website that enabled users to see what they were doing at that moment, regardless of the time of day or night. With that gesture they put on the table the topic of privacy in the internet era, treating their own life as a work of art . Similarly, the recording of time in diaries and man’s need to…Read more …