Alicia Leal
ALICIA LEAL (*1957) is an artist, who’s work oscillates between dream and reality. With carefree Caribbean color intensities she leans her narrative, surreal paintings towards Cuban folk art. Her subjects are fables, mysteries, visions, myths and life itself.
Someone might say that Alicia is an artist touched by an elf. Others attribute her virtues to a kind of state of grace. I would say that we are in front of a personality that has succeeded in finding those magic strings that emerge from her visual repertoire with intuition, craftsmanship, persistent search, imagination, wisdom and communicational vocation.
Without stridency or sudden jumps, discreetly but decidedly, Alicia Leal has conquered both demanding specialists and simple spectators in Cuba and abroad. No one connects her with the topics of the Cubanness, but almost surely her work wouldn’t be what it is if she hadn’t been born and lived on an island that grants her experiences, challenges and revelations.