Alicia Leal - Shared Worlds

ALICIA LEAL (*1957) is an artist whose works oscillate between dream and reality. With the carefree, typically Caribbean color intensity, her narrative, surreal paintings visually draw upon, among other things, Cuban folk art: fables, visions, mysteries, and life are her sources of inspiration. With her second Zürich exhibition, SHARED WORLDS – A JOURNEY FROM HAVANA TO ZÜRICH, she undertakes this journey once again. Alicia Leal reflects, like a seismograph, the society in which she lives: Even if the starting point and destination remain constant, the journey through this woman’s inner creativity has created new and fresh works. ArteMorfosis showcases her latest works.

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Alicia Leal

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  • opening Thursday, May 16, 2019 - 18:00 to 21:00
  • dates May 17, 2019 - June 22, 2019
  • hours 11:00 - 19:00