Harold López Muñoz

Eating grass / Comiendo hierba

Painting - 2020
Oil on canvas
45 x 61 cm
Artwork Statement

There are men who stray from the path and assume postures typical of animals.The portrait has been my genre in painting for twenty years, this series is an approach to landscape for the first time in my work. A landscape of psychological connotations, an extension of the human being, in some works it serves as a setting where my characters debate between the tragic, the absurd and the inconsequential, in others he is the scene itself, the center of the drama. Here existence becomes landscape. Horses, dogs and trees become symbols, the horse is resistance, the dog fidelity, the tree the passage of time, all on the edge of a path that will almost always lead to the sea as a final destination.

The year 2020 will remain in our memory forever. The world stopped and a strange pause reigned canceling or postponing our dreams. Too long a confinement made us dream of nature, the beaches were deserted, uncertainty, loneliness, helplessness, despair and also love are present in these paintings made between February 2020 and April 2021.

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