Lidzie Alvisa
Eyes that don’t want to see and ears that don’t want to hear / Ojos que no quieren ver y oídos que no quieren oír
Installation - 2004-2008
Photography, cardboard, pies and acrylic321331
22 x 26 cm
Includes a Certificate of Authenticity
4,000 CHF
+ Shipping
Artwork Statement
The magnet is a presupposition that is only in my subconscious. I start from the obsessive idea that everything (even the human being) is magnetized depending on the arrangement of the pins, in some cases the magnet is the viewer, and in others, it is the concept behind the work. A duality that can sometimes be translated into aggressiveness - docility, communication - isolation, attraction - rejection, not only on a personal level, but also on a social level.