A Journey Into Abstraction – Cuban Contemporary Art

A Journey Into Abstraction – Cuban Contemporary Art

  • opening Thursday, May 16, 2024 - 19:00 to 21:00
  • dates May 17, 2024 - September 2, 2024
Abstraction in Cuban art has been influential since the early 20th century, with significant growth in the 1950s. Despite the passage of time, this form of expression remains vibrant in contemporary abstract art, thanks to artists who have diversified and sustained it. The works of Julia Valdés, Enrique Báster, José Omar Torres, and José Ángel Vincench create an eclectic mosaic of abstraction in Cuban contemporary art in the ArteMorfosis Event Room, offering diverse aesthetic and conceptual perspectives. The exhibition "A Journey Into Abstraction" seeks to highlight each artist's unique creativity.…Read more …


  • opening Opening: Friday, March 29, 2024 - 19:00 - 21:00
  • dates March 30, 2024 - April 20, 2024
Jury Selection The seventh edition of the PRISMA contest presents a comprehensive and inclusive call to Cuban photographers, inviting entries that spanned a wide range of stylistic and conceptual possibilities of manipulating photographs. This initiative by ArteMorfosis aimed to fuse technology with artistic practices, advocating for the use of digital tools not as the goal but as a means to foster the creative process. The contest emphasized the artistic transformation of photography, encouraging artists to digitally manipulate original photographs, thereby broadening the aesthetic possibilities of photography. Read more... Digital Manipulation…Read more …