ArteMorfosis has aksed Cuban artists to make a short video of their New Year Resolutions as artists. The selected videos have been published on our facebook page and a selection of entered works have been chosen for an exhibit in the Showroom in Zürich. The date will be announced when the Covid-Situation allow for the exhibit.

Commentaries on PRISMA – New Year Resolutions by:
Virginia Alberdi
Yuris Nórido

All pubished videos can be viewed on our facebook page, here is a short selection of the videos received:

The Island of my Dreams is an Experiment – Dorian D. Agüero (1989. Las Tunas, Cuba)
Leo De la O 
Duvier Del Dago – Calendar, The story belongs to who tells it …
Julio César Cepeda Duque – 9 de enero de 2021

The Call for artists was published on this page at the end of 2020 with the information and video bellow:

Contemplating the events of the closing year while looking forward and making new year’s resolution is a time-tested tradition which reaches back some 4000 years to the ancient Babylonians.

ArteMorfosis’ new year resolution is to collaborate with Cuban artists with the goal to increase online sales for Cuban art by removing the geographic disadvantages of creating art on an island by making Cuban art visible on all relevant online channels at competitive prices.
In the above video we explain how.

  • dates December 31, 2020