New Year Resolutions

New Year Resolutions

ArteMorfosis has aksed Cuban artists to make a short video of their New Year Resolutions as artists. The selected videos have been published on our facebook page and a selection of entered works have been chosen for an exhibit in the Showroom in Zürich. The date will be announced when the Covid-Situation allow for the exhibit. Commentaries on PRISMA - New Year Resolutions by:- Virginia Alberdi- Yuris Nórido All pubished videos can be viewed on our facebook page, here is a short selection of the videos received: The Island of my Dreams…Read more …


2020 has been a very complex year. Art has not been exempt and artists have left testimony of it. But it is time to look to the future. The ArteMorfosis platform wants to approach the expectations of young visual artists, residing in Cuba, for the new year that is beginning soon.  Send us a short video answering this question:  WHAT PURPOSES DO YOU HAVE WITH YOUR WORK FOR THE NEW YEAR?  Also send us up to three recent two-dimensional works.  The ArteMorfosis team will select up to 15 works for a group show to be held…Read more …
POST-IT, A Contest for Young Artists

POST-IT, A Contest for Young Artists

- By Sandra García Herrera - Visit the Virtual Reality Exhibition of the current issue: POST-IT 7 Among the young Cuban artists of the last decade there is a name that continues to be mentioned: Post-it. Sometimes to approve, others to question, but the truth is that this visual arts contest has achieved a space in the historiography of Cuban art. It began in 2013 at the initiative of the Cuban Fund for Cultural Assets, a Cuban company dedicated to the promotion of art and crafts in Cuba, and one of the merits…Read more …
Call For Artists

Call For Artists

What experiences, what reflections, what lessons does the Covid-19 pandemic leave us with? Artemorfosis invites you to share the many nuances of the worldwide emergency. Where there is shade, there is light, and we invite you to share your vision of the unexpected aspects of the crisis. "PRISMA, the colors after a crisis", is a space to socialize the diverse visions of a common experience. If you are on Facebook or Instagram you can participate. The requirements and instructions for participation can be found at PRISMA's main goal is to present your…Read more …