Invitamos a artistas cubanos, mayores de 18 años y radicados en Cuba, a que participen con una obra propia que ya exista o creada específicamente para esta convocatoria.
PRISMA 7 – Jury’s Verdict

PRISMA 7 – Jury’s Verdict

Acta del jurado en español CALL FOR ARTISTS Photography can be much more than just documentation. This has always been known by numerous artists who dedicated themselves to a practice that for a long time was approached with prejudice, underestimation, or condescension. But today, photography (specifically photography understood as a proposal with undeniable aesthetic and conceptual values) is considered one of the pillars of visual arts. And it is one of the manifestations that most clearly builds bridges with the still insufficiently explored potential of new technologies. In our call for entries to…Read more …
PRISMA 7 – Acta del Jurada

PRISMA 7 – Acta del Jurada

Jury Verdict in English CONVOCATORIA La fotografía puede ser mucho más que documento. Eso lo supieron desde siempre numerosos artistas que se consagraron a un ejercicio que por mucho tiempo fue asumido desde el prejuicio, la subestimación o la condescendencia. Pero hoy por hoy la fotografía (cierta fotografía, entendida como propuesta con indiscutibles valores estéticos y conceptuales) está considerada como uno de los pilares de las artes visuales. Y es una de las manifestaciones que tienden puentes más evidentes con las potencialidades todavía insuficientemente exploradas de las nuevas tecnologías. En nuestra convocatoria a…Read more …
PRISMA 6 – Jury’s Verdict

PRISMA 6 – Jury’s Verdict

Acta del jurado en español CALL FOR ARTISTS The body is the temple. The body is the confluence of disparate senses. The realization of a symbolic realm. An aesthetic possibility… In this edition of our Prisma contest, we will approach the body as the axis of multiple poetics. We are interested in exploring the paths that Cuban artists have traveled from and to the body, starting from a purely anatomical dimension to a metaphorical vision. The human figure, which is one of the great themes of art, will be the motif for recreation.…Read more …
Alejandro Gómez Cangas: One Crowd – Many Paths

Alejandro Gómez Cangas: One Crowd – Many Paths

One Crowd - Many Paths: Click on Image to enter online exhibition - In June of last year, at the gallery our platform then hosted at Rämistrasse 33, Zurich, we launched a successful exhibition by Alejandro Gómez Cangas. Open just before the Art Basel 2022 fair, the 'Germinal' exhibition caught the attention of several critics, specialists, and art collectors. On display were pieces from several of the artist's series, all sharing a strong documentary intent, reimagined from a distinctive author's perspective. It is an established poetic, the result of diligent research work. Gómez…Read more …
Embracing Change and Expanding Horizons

Embracing Change and Expanding Horizons

After seven remarkable years in Zürich, Artemorfosis is ready for the next exciting chapter in our journey. We're moving forward and taking our passion for Cuban art straight to its very heart – Havana. Our unwavering commitment to representing and helping Cuban artists find their audience remains our guiding principle, and we're enthusiastic about embracing the future with open arms. Alejandro Gómez Cangas - Border - Oil on Canvas, 2017 - 110 x 142 cm Our adventure in Zürich began in April 2015 with an exhibition of Flora Fong's work on Weinbergstrasse, culminating…Read more …