Duvier del Dago – Making of Installation #2 at XV Biennial

Duvier del Dago – Making of Installation #2 at XV Biennial

Duvier del Dago @ XV Havana Biennial – CDAV Centro de desarrollo de las artes visuales CDAVCurator Yanet Oviedo showcases works by artists whose creations revolve around the use of ropes, thread, weaving, or textile compositions.The Center for the Development of Visual Arts (CDAV), founded in 1989, is a non-profit organization dedicated to the promotion and research of contemporary Cuban visual arts. It prioritizes the work of artists exploring new areas of creation, including renowned figures, recent art school graduates, and even students. Project #2InstalationUntitled, 2024From the series 'Castles in the Sky'Hand-embroidered drawings…Read more …
PRISMA 6 – Jury’s Verdict

PRISMA 6 – Jury’s Verdict

Acta del jurado en español CALL FOR ARTISTS The body is the temple. The body is the confluence of disparate senses. The realization of a symbolic realm. An aesthetic possibility… In this edition of our Prisma contest, we will approach the body as the axis of multiple poetics. We are interested in exploring the paths that Cuban artists have traveled from and to the body, starting from a purely anatomical dimension to a metaphorical vision. The human figure, which is one of the great themes of art, will be the motif for recreation.…Read more …
Alejandro Gómez Cangas: One Crowd – Many Paths

Alejandro Gómez Cangas: One Crowd – Many Paths

One Crowd - Many Paths: Click on Image to enter online exhibition - In June of last year, at the gallery our platform then hosted at Rämistrasse 33, Zurich, we launched a successful exhibition by Alejandro Gómez Cangas. Open just before the Art Basel 2022 fair, the 'Germinal' exhibition caught the attention of several critics, specialists, and art collectors. On display were pieces from several of the artist's series, all sharing a strong documentary intent, reimagined from a distinctive author's perspective. It is an established poetic, the result of diligent research work. Gómez…Read more …
Alejandro Gómez Cangas – GERMINAL

Alejandro Gómez Cangas – GERMINAL

Alejandro Gómez Cangas - Expectativa No. 5 Alejandro Gómez Cangas’ (*1986, Villa Clara) exhibition is based on a simple narrative structure to tell the life story of a character, and in turn a collective story is narrated in parallel. These two stories strongly complement each other, due to the symbolism that surrounds the act of planting a seed and taking care that it grows and develops successfully.  Exiting to new lands can overcome the risk of infertile terrains and plagues of extreme climate, but there will always be those who prefer to water that…Read more …