Zaida del Río Awarded Premio Nacional de Artes Plásticas 2023

Zaida del Río Awarded Premio Nacional de Artes Plásticas 2023

  • opening January 12, 2024
  • dates January 12, 2024
It came as no surprise, and indeed should surprise no one, that this Friday, painter, illustrator, and printmaker Zaida del Río was honored with the National Prize for Plastic Arts. This decision has been met with applause from legions of admirers of her immensely rich body of work, marked by a strong lyrical calling. Her art is captivating in its baroque complexity and thematic breadth, standing out distinctly in the grand panorama of Cuban art. Zaida is among the most prolific and popular Cuban artists. Her influence extends beyond the…Read more …
PRISMA 6 – CORPUS – Poetry of the Human Figure

PRISMA 6 – CORPUS – Poetry of the Human Figure

  • opening Opening: Friday, November 17, 2023 - 19:00 to 21:00
  • dates November 18, 2023 - December 16, 2023
Celebrating Artistic Interpretations of the Human Figure ArteMorfosis proudly presents "Corpus," a showcase of the Jury Selection of exceptional works from our PRISMA 6 - CORPUS call for artists. This exhibition delves into artistic creativity and digital presentation. Theme: Exploring the human body as a muse, "Corpus" features a variety of artistic expressions, spanning traditional and digital mediums. Each piece offers a unique narrative, celebrating the diversity and richness of contemporary Cuban art. Objective: Focused on more than just creation, this exhibition emphasizes the importance of artists presenting their work…Read more …
Embracing Change and Expanding Horizons

Embracing Change and Expanding Horizons

  • dates May 10, 2023
After seven remarkable years in Zürich, Artemorfosis is ready for the next exciting chapter in our journey. We're moving forward and taking our passion for Cuban art straight to its very heart – Havana. Our unwavering commitment to representing and helping Cuban artists find their audience remains our guiding principle, and we're enthusiastic about embracing the future with open arms. Alejandro Gómez Cangas - Border - Oil on Canvas, 2017 - 110 x 142 cm Our adventure in Zürich began in April 2015 with an exhibition of Flora Fong's work…Read more …