Prisma 5 – Call For Artists

Prisma 5 – Call For Artists

Prisma 5 - The Team In times of relative democratization of technologies, it seems that creators depend less and less on others to carry out their work. There are those who believe that individualism is one of the marks of contemporary art. However, here and there proposals born from the effective collaboration of two or more artists come to light, and the result does not usually imply the limitation of capacities or the renunciation of certain poetics, but rather the happy confluence of dissimilar ways of assuming the fact aesthetic. And that collective…Read more …
PRISMA 4 – Curating in Virtual Space

PRISMA 4 – Curating in Virtual Space

Behind many exhibitions of visual arts is the figure of the curator, in charge of spinning themes and speeches, to function as an interpreter between the receiver and a certain aesthetic proposal. The Havana Biennial has been, throughout its history, an eminently curatorial event, focused on reflecting on the problems of the Third World through the art produced in these regions. Coinciding with the 14th edition of it, ArteMorfosis proposes to encourage curatorial practice as a creative exercise, generator of meanings and knowledge that provide new readings about Cuban art and its context.…Read more …
ArteMorfosis en Telegram

ArteMorfosis en Telegram

Desde que en 2019 ArteMorfosis decidiera enfocarse por completo en el espacio virtual, hemos generado iniciativas y proyectos que impulsen la presencia del arte cubano en Internet. Si algo ha caracterizado todas estas propuestas es la intención de que los artistas cubanos comprendan la importancia que tiene, en la actualidad, mostrar y circular su obra por las vías que ofrece la red. Como parte de estas acciones se ha creado un canal en Telegram, donde compartiremos la actividad habitual de ArteMorfosis -exposiciones virtuales y convocatorias-, así como información de interés para artistas cubanos,…Read more …
Artes plásticas en las redes sociales: cambio de paradigma

Artes plásticas en las redes sociales: cambio de paradigma

- Por Virginia Alberdi Benítez - La pandemia del coronavirus ha tenido repercusiones incalculables no solo en los órdenes sanitario, económico, material y financiero a escala mundial, sino también en la vida cultural de casi todos los países. Si, para decirlo con el concepto de Mc Luhan, la internacionalización de las relaciones sociales había llevado a conformar una aldea global, en la que la comunicación emergió como un factor de primerísimo relieve, las nuevas circunstancias imperantes confirmaron tendencias y acentuaron procesos en ese campo que implicaron un cambio radical en los modos de…Read more …
Alicia Leal

Alicia Leal

Catharsis and Authenticity –VIRGINIA ALBERDI –Art Critic A young woman flies along with a rooster whose wings have the colors of fire and the sky. One ignores where it comes from or heads to. The retina only fixes one and the other on the front plane, with a background of very light trees and waves (are they waves or bubbles?) that hardly support the painting’s main characters. Another young woman hides her head in her thorax, accompanied by doves and illuminated by a sun of honey-colored rays, leaving a rain of fine spores…Read more …