PRISMA 6 – Acta del jurado

Jury's verdict in English CONVOCATORIA El cuerpo es el templo. El cuerpo es la confluencia de disímiles sentidos. La concreción de un ámbito simbólico. Una posibilidad estética… En esta edición de nuestro certamen Prisma nos acercaremos al cuerpo como eje de múltiples poéticas. Nos interesa explorar caminos que los artistas cubanos han recorrido desde y hasta el cuerpo, partiendo de una dimensión meramente anatómica hasta una visión metafórica. La figura humana, que es uno de los grandes temas del arte, será el motivo de recreación. La técnica, el soporte y el género de…Read more …

Celebrating Flora Fong: Winner of the 2022 National Prize for Visual Arts

We are thrilled and immensely proud to announce that Flora Fong, a distinguished Cuban artist, has been honored with the prestigious National Prize for Visual Arts 2022. This accolade is not just a testament to her extraordinary talent but also to her enduring commitment to the arts. Flora holds a special place in the heart of ArteMorfosis. She was the pioneering spirit behind our grand opening in Switzerland, courageously stepping forward as the first Cuban artist to grace our gallery. At a time when the success of our venture was uncertain, Flora took…Read more …

ArtVisits – Routes

OPTION A | SCULPTURE ROUTE | with Neida Peñalver*  WALKING TOUR OF THE MAIN URBAN SCULPTURES located in the Historic Center of the City **  SNACK STOP in a bar or restaurant in Old Havana VISIT TO THE WORKSHOP OF JOSÉ VILLA SOBERÓN | National Visual Arts Prize  OPTION B | CUBAN POSTER ROUTE | with Pepe Menéndez***  VISIT TO PEPE MENÉNDEZ’S STUDIO Introduction to poster art in Cuba  VISIT TO A POSTER EXHIBITION OR  TO RENÉ PORTOCARRERO SILKSCREEN WORKSHOP  VISIT TO DAMIÁN VIÑUELA’S POSTER COLLECTION WITH FAREWELL COFFEEwhere you can buy Cuban posters of all…Read more …
ArtVisits – Tailor-Made Agenda

ArtVisits – Tailor-Made Agenda

Accompanied by one of our specialists and previously coordinated with us, based on the client’s request.  Based on the topics that the client is interested in and the time they have available, Arte- Morfosis will make different options available to them. These tours will be subject to the availability of the artists and spaces that are requested. Back Reserve your ARTVISIT now and experience the unforgettable journey into the heart of Cuban art and culture! Our tours are designed to cater to small groups or individuals and are offered in both Spanish and English, with transportation…Read more …

VR Art Exhibitions

Since 2018 ArteMorfosis is generating VR-Exhibits. First the exhibitions were copies of actual exhibits in our gallery, soon we noticed that we can display many more artists in online-only exhibitions. First exhibitions were visible only with HTC-Vive gear and only in our own gallery space, today all or our VR-exhibitions can be visited on computers, smartphones, pads and on Oculus Quest For the 2019 Havana Biennials we invited the visitors on a virtual journey to the VR-exhibitions of Cuban artists we had had in our gallery in Zürich. The IOS-app can be downloaded…Read more …
Notes on PRISMA – New Year’s Resolutions

Notes on PRISMA – New Year’s Resolutions

Commentary by ArteMorfosis, February 2021 Marco Arturo Herrera (1991. La Habana, Cuba) - Pa’ la caliente | For the Heat 2020, Mixed on canvas, 170 x 140 cm There is in this selection of works an unresolved tension between the artists' manifest desire and artistic implementation. Times of crisis, it is known, can stimulate a formal and conceptual renewal of artistic propositions, but it can also numb impulses. In times of economic uncertainty, the self-preservation instinct has triumphed. It does not seem that these creators intend to revolutionize their ways of expression, to…Read more …