“Lightness or weightlessness refers to a state in which the effects of gravitational forces disappear. In his psychological novel The Unbearable Lightness of Being, Milan Kundera extrapolates the lightness-weight dichotomy to our lives, interpreting each term as an attitude or way of engaging with our life experience. In this context, weight represents everything that conditions our development: moral, ethical, social, religious, and ideological constructs. Conversely, lightness symbolizes the liberated state of the individual, free from the constraints of any dogma: the triumph of Nietzschean nihilism. The current era echoes this postmodern turn, characterized by extreme individualism, disbelief, and the anarchy of impulses. It is the dominance of permissiveness over coercion; a celebration of life in all its manifestations. In this sense, the project aims to subtly reference the lightness of the postmodern being through works that address (either directly or indirectly) this theme, with a focus on the hedonistic culture so prevalent in contemporary society.”

  • opening Opening: Friday, January 24, 2025 - 19:00 - 21:00
  • dates January 24, 2025 - March 14, 2025
  • hours By Appointment Only: +53 5272 5516 (Call or WhatsApp)